Hello, I'm

Hey there, welcome to my digital portfolio!
I've put together some projects that show some of my coding and tech skills. Feel free to dive in and explore the possibilities of what we can create together.

hero image


About Me

CSS Icon
JavaScript Icon
TypeScript Icon
Prisma Icon
Next.JS Icon
Tailwind CSS Icon
React Icon
Node.JS Icon
Nest.JS Icon
Python Icon
Flask Icon
MySQL Icon
PostgreSQL Icon
MongoDB Icon

My Projects

  • Daily Code
    Daily Code

    My undergraduate thesis that is an Educational Game for the learning of programming fundamentals, like loops structure, conditionals, queue and stacks.

  • Truco

    The card game 'Truco', developed in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, with a quiz system.

  • Pokédex

    A web Pokedex that allows users to search for Pokemon by name.

    Next.jsReactTailwind CSSTypeScriptNode.js
  • Users CRUD
    Users CRUD

    App that allows users to create, read, update, and delete users.

    Next.jsReactTailwind CSSNest.jsTypeScriptNode.jsPrismaPostgreSQLDocker
  • Weather Forecast
    Weather Forecast

    App that provides a detailed and interactive 7-day weather forecast.

    Next.jsReactTailwind CSSTypeScriptNode.js
  • Recipes CRUD
    Recipes CRUD

    App that allows users to create, read, update, and delete recipes.

  • Car Search
    Car Search

    App that allows users to search for vehicle models by make and year.

    Next.jsReactTailwind CSSTypeScriptNode.js
  • Tic-Tac-Toe

    The game 'tic-tac-toe' made with Next, Tailwind and TypeScript.

    Next.jsReactTailwind CSSTypeScriptNode.js
Contact with me

I'm currently looking for opportunities, my inbox is open. If you have any question, just get in touch, I'll answer ASAP.

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